Korinn Mowrey has also curated a 40 minute show specifically for middle and high school children. Filled with dance, humor and gripping tales from her life with addiction, she leads the kids on an adventurous journey leaving them empowered with the ability that no matter what circumstance they find themselves in that through the power of intention they are able to heal, overcome and manifest all their goals and dreams, allowing nothing to hold them back.
We are reaching children that need resources for support with health, nutrition, and multiple forms of addiction...either themselves or someone close to them. We want kids to have hope and realize they are strong and powerful.
Korinn Mowrey is the mastermind behind Makin' Waves in Health and Fitness, a Midcoast-originated woman-owned business founded in 2008. She specializes in educating the community about whole food nutrition, personal training, and morphing words of struggle into intentional lives of
meaning and gratitude.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer1 available packages from US$500
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/a-dancers-journey-to-live-newcastleLogo on Program, Shout out on Social Media and on our website. Logo on our website. A Thank you on the website and in the program and on the stage. opportunity for sharing information or providing material at the two events on that day.
2 available