Mon, Mar 25 2024

Holi event,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

  • About the event

    Here we want to organize Holi Event at Ahmedabad. Around 3000 to 6000 people can join us. In this event we arreng Live DJ party, Cold-Drinks, Food and colours for enjoying 


    Why should you sponsor?

    In this event around 3000 to 6000 all age people come so its best option an opportunity to brand promotion

    Himanshu Patel

    I am Himanshu and i am data analyst at compnt i am 23 YO and last year college student. 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1-50 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

2 available packages from US$3000 to US$6000

Main Sponsor

Banners and logo at event ,Ads and tickets

3 available

brand promote sponser

banner in event and ads

10 available

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