Fri, Jul 26 - Sat, Jul 27 2024

Spark The Summer,

Ganpat University (GUNI), India, Kherva, Gujarat, India Ganpat University (GUNI), India, Kherva, Gujarat, India
One Sponsor Confirmed
Akash Network

  • About the event

    A 30 hours in-person hackathon with muntiple tracks support and inviting students from divers parts of India. With the aim of featuring over 400 hackers we are here to launch our very first edition of this initiative which is going to serve as an exclusive experience for the participants rather than just another competition.

    Why should you sponsor?

    We are totally new but we know how to value time and money. There is no special reason to pick us but if you want to join us in this initiative and showcase your work and product to your desired audience, we are here for you. We not only seek for the money, we are looking for long team partners to be onboard with us!

    Venish Sureliya

    I am a sports graphic desinger wokring with sports influencers, sports teams and media. For community experience, I have been part of Teams like IEEE as Designer, GDSC as UIUX Lead and Club Lead.

    One highlight of me is being Co-Organizer and Designer of a national level conference named Devloop 2.0 which was hosted in 2022 and featured over 500 participants and 10+ speakers from all across the country.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 251-500 attendees expected

    68% Male Attendees

    32% Female Attendees

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2 available packages from US$500

Food Sponsor

10 available

Logo on Flyer

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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