Sat, Sep 14 2024


Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
One Sponsor Confirmed

  • About the event

    TEDxYouth@JGIS is an independently organized TEDx event that celebrates the journey from small sparks of inspiration to transformative movements. The theme, "Flickers to Flames," embodies the potential within every idea or moment of creativity, showcasing how these initial flickers can grow into significant, impactful forces of change. By highlighting stories of individuals and projects that began with modest beginnings and evolved into major influences, TEDxYouth@JGIS encourages a recognition of how even the smallest sparks can ignite passion, drive innovation, and lead to transformative change. This event is a platform for young minds to explore and share ideas that have the power to shape the future.

    Why should you sponsor?

    Supporting TEDxYouth@JGIS is an investment in the future—where your brand aligns with the values of creativity, innovation, and transformative impact. By sponsoring this event, you will not only gain exposure to a diverse and engaged audience but also associate your brand with a movement that celebrates the power of ideas to spark meaningful change. Your sponsorship will help nurture the next generation of thinkers, creators, and leaders, positioning your brand as a catalyst for positive transformation. This is a unique opportunity to connect with an audience that values forward-thinking and supports initiatives that encourage growth from the ground up. Join us in turning flickers into flames, and make a lasting impact on the leaders of tomorrow.

    Fenil Shah

    As a member of the Organizing Committee for TEDxYouth@JGIS, I am passionate about creating platforms that inspire and empower young minds to share their ideas and stories. My role involves curating and coordinating an event that not only aligns with the global TEDx mission of "ideas worth spreading" but also resonates deeply with our theme, "Flickers to Flames." I am committed to ensuring that every aspect of the event reflects our dedication to nurturing creativity, innovation, and transformative change. Being a part of this dynamic team allows me to contribute to a movement that has the potential to ignite the passions of young thinkers and leaders, fostering a community where even the smallest ideas can spark powerful, lasting impacts.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 51-100 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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3 available packages from US$250 to US$300

Logo on Flyer

10 available

Food Sponsor

10 available

In Kind
Drink Sponsor

Water Bottles around 250 Packed Beverages like paperboat

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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