Fri, Sep 13 - Wed, Oct 02 2024

2nd Global Diplomacy Gala Night 2024,

New Delhi, Delhi, India New Delhi, Delhi, India
One Sponsor Confirmed
Past Sponsors

  • About the event

    Stay tuned for more updates on GTTCI Members’ AGM - Global Diplomacy Gala Night 2024 by GTTCI, a prestigious event celebrating triumphs of ambassadors and diplomats with a splendid Diwali Celebrations over dinner and cocktails

    Why should you sponsor?

    Together, Let’s create impactful global connections

    Shubham Gupta

    The Global Trade and Technology Council of India (GTTC India) is an Apex Chamber of Trade and Technology Industry in India. GTTC India, has members across the globe.

    GTTCI is founded with the vision to promote bilateral trade between India & countries across the globe, establishing mutually beneficial relationships for a lifetime of trade exchange. The council has been doing tremendous job of establishing mutually beneficial relationships for a lifetime of trade exchanges and thus promoting India’s local products and taking them global from local while felicitating exchange of global products in India.

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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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1 available packages from US$15000

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-MENTION AS PRESENTED BY -LOGO VISIBILITY AT THE TOP ON BACKDROP LED, ALL CREATIVES, PHOTO BOOTH, SPONSOR WALL, INVITES, DIPLOMAT FLYERS & SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS -HONOR PRESENTATION TO DIPLOMATS AND AMBASSADORS 2+ -FELICITATION ON STAGE - YES -COMPANY PRESENTATION AT THE EVENT 3-4 MINS -COMPLIMENTARY ADVERTISEMENT IN GTTC INSIGHTS 2 FULL PAGES (INSIDE) -LOGO VISIBILITY IN GTTC INSIGHTS 12 MONTHS -GUEST INVITATIONS 1+5 -COVERAGE IN GTTC INSIGHTS & GTTCI WEBSITE YES MEDIA COVERAGE 2+ National Electronic Media (Sahara, Aaj Tak, Zee Business or equivalent) Complete Coverage of Event on TV Channel 15+ Online & Print Media Coverages SOCIAL MEDIA 20K+ Followers on Instagram Repost by Influencers & Bollywood Celebrities with over 3M followers Social Media posts on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin & Twitter DIRECT IMPRESSIONS Invitations to 150+ Foreign Missions and all Diplomats, all Ministers & MPs Flyers of all Honoured Diplomats GTTC Insights’ reach of over 85 million online users & 2000+ Offline readers INDIRECT IMPRESSIONS GTTCI Engagements in the past have been featured by official Articles, Publications & Social Media accounts of various Foreign Missions globally

1 available

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