Sun, Mar 24 2024

Monkey’s Can't Sell Bananas Stage Play,

Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States
One Sponsor Confirmed

  • About the event

    Monkeys can't sell bananas. Is a stage play about a teenager in highschool addicted to crack. He struggles trying to hide his addiction from friends and family. Witness this true story unfold on stage. The fall, rise, and redemtion of Kamar Johnson. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    “Monkeys Can’t Sell Bananas” addresses the critical issue of teenage drug addiction with a powerful narrative crafted for young adults. As a sponsor, your company can play a vital role in delivering this impactful message to our audience, while gaining exposure and demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility. Join us in creating a lasting impact both on stage and in the community.  


    Djuan Frazier

    Multi-talented is the best way to describe Seni Marquis. Born on the mean streets of Camden, New Jersey, and raised on the cold streets of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a father, author, musician, scriptwriter, and host.

    Seni Marquis owns a publishing company by the name of MoBetta Books. Which allowed him to self-published two full novels, two children books and six short stories.

    Now in Atlanta, Seni Marquis, continues to pursue his artistry as a writer, not without tribulations but now with the understanding that persistence and dedication can truly yield success. 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

  • File
    MCSB Sponsorship Proposal (2).pdf Download

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Select a Package

6 available packages from US$100 to US$10000

Platinum Package

Exclusive branding as the "Georgia Arts Visionary" in all promotional materials. VIP access to all play-related events and performances. Acknowledgment in press releases, social media, and during play performances. Customized arts appreciation event hosted by the play's cast and crew. 30 Day radio advertisement. Company Listed on website as Event Sponsor. Sponsorship Booth to sell or promote products. Product Placement on the set of the stage. Sponsor Spotlight during intermission. 10 copies of Monkeys Can’t Sell Bananas. Swag Bag.

5 available

Copper package

Acknowledgment in promotional materials. Tickets to the play. Sponsorship Booth to sell or promote products. Swag Bag.

10 available

Gold Package

Prominent branding in promotional materials. Logo placement on all promotional materials, including posters, flyers, and websites. Access to VIP events and play performances. Recognition in promotional materials and at the play. Invitation to a special appreciation event. 30 day radio advertising. Sponsorship Booth to sell or promote products. 10 copies of Monkeys Can’t Sell Bananas. Swag Bag.

5 available

Silver Package

Recognition in promotional materials. Tickets to play performances and exclusive events. 30 day radio advertising. Acknowledgment during the play. Invitation to a special appreciation event. Sponsorship Booth to sell or promote products. Swag Bag.

5 available

Bronze Package

Acknowledgment in promotional materials. Tickets to the play. Invitation to an appreciation event. Sponsorship Booth to sell or promote products. Swag Bag.

10 available


Tickets to play Recognition in program

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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